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WfbM Integration Prize for Heppler

WfbM Integration Prize for Heppler GmbH Montage-Technik, Günding, commending the commitment to jobs for people with disabilities

Schönbrunn, 22 January 2020 – Filled with selection of sweet delights, the Integration Prize challenge trophy was presented by Valentin Schmitt, Head of the Schönbrunn Werkstatt für behinderte Menschen (WfbM), a sheltered workshop association, to Heppler GmbH Montage-Technik in Günding as a mark of recognition and thanks for its particular commitment to the employment of people with an intellectual disability. Two people with an intellectual disability have been part of the permanent staff at Heppler for six months and a year respectively.

“I really like it here, the work is a lot of fun, and all my colleagues are very nice to me,” said Philip Heinzelmann, summing up his duties. He works together with Oliver Golser in the so-called “outsourced workplace” of the WfbM where they assemble and package CNC parts. Manager Mirko Hellmer considers both of them to be real assets. “Philip and Oliver are valuable colleagues fully integrated in the team. Both are responsible for sub-steps in the production process and packaging”.

This success story commenced in December 2017 when two assembly orders were awarded by Heppler to the WfbM. The positive experience gained here led to the first internship at the beginning of 2019, followed shortly afterwards by a second. The two internships were then transformed into permanent outsourced workplaces, starting in April 2019 and, most recently, February 2020.

An outsourced workplace (ausgelagerter Arbeitsplatz - AAP) offers an opportunity for a WfbM employee to gain professional experience in an enterprise on the general employment market and, simultaneously, contribute their skills and competencies. Outsourced workplaces of the Franziskuswerk Schönbrunn WfbM are governed by employment and social insurance legislation, and job coaches trained by the Franziskuswerk are responsible on site for operations. 30 employees currently work in a variety of professions in the District of Dachau and in Munich, and the number is rising.

In the course of these activities, job coaches from the Franziskuswerk Schönbrunn are constantly looking for companies willing to give an opportunity to employees with a disability and allow them to partake in working life. Interested companies and institutions are welcome to participate voluntarily in the Integration Day organised by the WfbM on 5 May 2020. Please contact Valentin Schmitt, tel. 08139 800-5001 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., www.integrationstag.de.

Photo: The entire team at Heppler GmbH Montage-Technik are delighted to join Oliver Golser and Philip Heinzelmann in receiving the Integration Prize of the Schönbrunn Werkstatt für behinderte Menschen (WfbM), a sheltered workshop for disabled people. From the left (kneeling): Job Coach Andreas Schmölz, next to Oliver Golser, 4th from left Philip Heinzelmann; behind in the middle from the left are Manager Mirko Hellmer, WfbM Head Valentin Schmitt and (holding the trophy) Assembly Manager Ben Langhammer.

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