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Kunst trifft Wirtschaft 2019

The second Kunst trifft Wirtschaft (Art Meets Business) event organised by the Handels-und Gewerbeverein Spaichingen trade and business association on Sunday, 22 September from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. proved to be a major success. “28 Spaichingen businesses, including us from Heppler GmbH CNC-Technik, were involved. Visitors poured in over the course of the entire day, learning on guided tours that our 285 employees, which include 47 apprentices in the separate training centre and prototype construction, have metal in their blood,” said Managing Director Dieter Heppler with delight. He established the enterprise in 1984. Together with his wife Astrid, he took evident pleasure in guiding the visitors, including Mayor Hans-Georg Schuhmacher and Hermann Früh, Chair of the Handels-und Gewerbeverein Spaichingen trade and business association, through the company, a premises which has also experienced recent growth.


Visitors were welcomed into the still incomplete cafeteria where they were greeted by three artistic highlights in the new building. Freelance artist Bernd Luz from Neuhausen ob Eck presented a representative selection of his fantastic over-dimensional pop art and abstract works. Alexander Müller from the Welt der Kristalle Museum and Shop in Dietingen had brought a selection of crystals, petrified wood, amethyst geode pairs, agate lamps, other unique stones and illuminated rock crystal globes. The artist Tobias Kammerer from Rottweil also presented a broad spectrum of art forms and styles, but was unable to attend personally. “His art has been displayed for many years now on around 2200 square metres of the outer façade of our building,” says Dieter Heppler. He is delighted with the latest work from Tobias Kammerer, an artistic glass work with a height of about four-and-a-half metres which stands in front of the Heppler company premises. And the little ones among the visitors also enjoyed the event, particularly the bouncy castle and the racetrack specially constructed for the occasion.


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+49 7424 / 94 83 0
info @ heppler. de





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+49 7424 / 94 83 0

info @ heppler. de